We've Gone Red!

Go Red for Dyslexia is Succeed With Dyslexia’s global campaign to promote dyslexia awareness and celebrate all the amazing things that people who have dyslexia and literacy differences can do. It takes place during the month of October – Dyslexia Awareness Month – and they put together a whole calendar of activities and things to help get individuals, schools, communities, and businesses like ourselves involved to help spread the word.

We’re excited to be a part of the Go Red movement and show our support – that’s why we’ve turned our logos and branding a vibrant shade of red for the month of October, and we’d encourage businesses all over the world to do the same!

Go Red is all about fostering a community of people who are passionate about dyslexia advocacy and awareness. We’re committed to raising the profile of dyslexia in each and every country we operate in,  and promoting a greater understanding of dyslexia and literacy differences all around the globe, but raising awareness means getting the word out to as many people as possible. So that’s why during Dyslexia Awareness Month we want you to go red too - we’re talking everything from lighting up national landmarks in red light to showcasing your creativity on social media with the very best that the global dyslexia and literacy differences community has to offer.

You can find out more about how to get involved with Go Red for Dyslexia at their website.

Let’s paint it red for dyslexia together!