Campaigning for Global Awareness of Dyslexia: #GoRedForDyslexia 2020

This October marks dyslexia awareness month – so, we are encouraging individuals and organisation to #GoRedForDyslexia with a united campaign in support of dyslexia. The aim of the campaign is to break down barriers and level the playing field for those with dyslexia, which is estimated at 10% of the global population.

Since our establishment in 2017, we have supported a number of dyslexia awareness campaigns, including ‘Go Red’. The dreaded red, a colour we’ve all seen throughout our education. The red market used to highlight our mistakes is all too familiar for people with dyslexia around the world. Dyslexia associations have chosen this colour to take back its meaning and globally promote dyslexia awareness.

Inspired by so many amazing parent-led organisations in the UK, Canada, USA, India, Australia and more, we are excited and proud to help keep this important awareness initiative moving around the globe.

This dyslexia awareness month, we want you to get involved by:

  • Encouraging your local buildings/monuments to light up in red

  • Change your company logo to red – simply send us your logo and our design elves will make it sparkle in red and publicise on our website

  • Wear something red to school or work

  • Host a fundraising event for a dyslexia charity

Don’t forget to share your support on social media using #GoRedForDyslexia.

#GoRedForDyslexia begins on 1st October, discover more about the campaign here.

You can ‘Like us on Facebook for regular campaign updates.